Oracle Studios

Oro Valley, Arizona

Oracle Studios is a shared space that inspires both collaborations and creates synergy for the construction industry. The building itself is a visual expression of responsible desert architecture. The building's concept and form are designed to work with the Sonoran deserts greatest resource, its abundance of natural sunlight. Through site orientation, the use of passive daylighting that floods the interior spaces and the use of over 100 photo-voltaic solar modules, the building meets all its own electricity demand. 

Oracle Studios was a Design-Build project by its future users. The process of building one's own workspace was key to achieving the architectural detailing sought. The building's modest form hides the complexity of the interior's exposed steel framing. Oracle Studios is a complete expression of the design lessons of successful desert architecture.

2011 Souther AIA Distinguished Building Award

Completed 2010 

Deign + Built By: Kevin B Howard Architects